I've never been one for playing too many games on a PC but one game has been in my portfolio for many a year.
Recently I've had to reinstall a lot of programs, one of them being this Jardinains game. Basically, it's a knock-out-the-bricks-with-a-bat game, with the added twist of garden gnomes throwing down plant-pots at your bat which you have to avoid.
This time I was pleasantly surprised to find that it has had a complete makeover with many different styles of play, customisable bat and ball sizes, and is available for many different platforms, not just PC.
So many of the downloadable 'app' games come with irritable advertising that they're really not worth playing. Worse they'll nag you to buy 'tokens' to move on to the next level. Well, Jardinains isn't like that — it's shareware meaning it's free to download and play as long as you like and doesn't have the clutter of advertising. You can donate if you want to.
In the past, I used to run my own customised version of Jardinains with characters from the Harry Potter sequence substituting for the garden gnomes, and appropriate objects from the HP stories substituting for the Jardinains power-ups, and music scores from the HP movies substituting for the Jardinains musical scores. I haven't yet explored the possibility of doing something similar with the latest Jardinains incarnation, and anyway it wouldn't be something I could put in the public domain due to obvious copyrights.
I'd recommend this game for children aged 3 to 125. Best played on a PC, but does work well on an Android phone, the larger the screen, the better, I'd say.
Download from >> https://jardinains.com/
So, that's my review. Have you got an ad-free game you love?